Meet the Education Team
Steve DeTata
Steve DeTata has been involved in K9 Nose Work® since 2010. He started as a student and competitor before attending the NACSW™ K9 Nose Work® Instructor Program in Tulsa, OK in 2013 and has been teaching K9 Nose Work® ever since. He is a member of the K9 Nose Work® Shelter Program staff, is an NACSW™ National Trial Coordinator and served as the first Western United States representative for the NACSW™ Trial Division Rule’s Committee. He is an NACSW™ Certifying Official, NACSW™ Trial Judge, Odor Recognition Test Certifying Official and Judge and NACSW™ Skills Challenge Evaluator.
Steve has attended numerous detection dog seminars, was one of the teams used to evaluate search scenarios when planning for the Elite level of competition and took part in a year-long Naval Research Lab Detection Dog Study. He has been involved in animal rescue since 2008, volunteering his time at municipal animal shelters and private rescue groups. He ran his own pit bull rescue group, resulting in over 50 pit bulls being saved from Los Angeles County Shelters and placed into new homes. He has implemented K9 Nose Work® Shelter Programs at several shelters in Orange County, CA and currently assists in promoting the K9 Nose Work® Shelter Program and advising groups on how to start one.