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Webinar: The ORT – More than Just a Box Search
$40 for General Public **
** includes Lapsed NACSW Instructors and those who have registered for an instructor course but have not yet attended Segment 1
$30 for NACSW Instructors (CNWI/ANWI/PNWI) in active status
INSTRUCTOR: Barbara Schwerdt, CNWI
DATE/TIME: Saturday August 17, 2024 / 9:00-11:00am Pacific Time
The ORT…More than just a box search? Can your dog go into a new location, search 12 boxes, and find odor, three times? THAT is what an ORT is! In this webinar we’ll look at ways to prep for an ORT, we’ll look at what an ORT looks like and what it looks like to be ready. We’ll look at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly, and see if we can come up with a training plan so both dog and handler feel confident at the start line. Come with your comments, questions, and concerns, and we’ll see if we can address them!
Please click the link below to begin the registration process. You will be asked for your name and email, then payment information.
NOTE: Active NACSW instructors should use the “unpublished” email address associated with their instructor portal account.
For those who register by the day before the live webinar: Live webinar links will be emailed to you by the day before the webinar. If you do not have the link on the morning of the webinar, please email [email protected]. You must register by the end of day on the day before the live webinar to join the live event. If you are not able to attend the live webinar, the recording link will be emailed to you within 14 days of the live event.
For those who register on the day of or after the live webinar: All webinars purchased on the day of or after the running of the live event will have webinar recording links sent out within 14 days of the live event.
Payment Installments: Our Stripe payment system offers the option to make installment payments via Klarna. If you choose this option, the first payment will be taken from your credit card, debit card or bank account upon intial registration. The remaining three payments will be automatically charged every 2 weeks afterwards, with no interest or fees if you pay on time.
Read more about Barbara here.