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Webinar: Who’s Afraid of Heights?
$40 for General Public including Lapsed NACSW Instructors and those who have registered for an instructor course but have not yet attended Segment 1
$30 for Active NACSW Instructors
(NOTE: If you are an active instructor, please register through the instructor portal (see instructions below) rather than through this webform.)
LENGTH: 90 mins
WHERE: Virtual Lecture Hall via Zoom. Link will be sent upon receipt of payment.
CEUs: 3 for CNWI
Learning objectives (may include but not limited to):
• Understanding the dynamics of elevation
• Identifying environmental influences on elevated hide placements
• Using elevated hides to build understanding for the dog of following their nose to source
• Differentiating a dog working elevation vs. chasing odor up
• Helping handlers confidently approach the idea elevated hides
Webinar outline:
When you hear “elevated hide” do you smile confidently and think to yourself “my dog’s got this” or do you cringe in fear? Elevated hides can be quite elusive, and anecdotally appear to be the most frequently missed or left behind hides in trials.
Webinar summary:
In this webinar, we will define and discuss the intricacies of elevated hides (“an elevated hide is not an elevated hide is not an elevated hide”) and external factors affecting elevated hides, including location, weather, and your dog! We will offer you ideas on how to train elevated hides successfully from primary, to paired, to odor only, through exercise setups and video review. We will observe some tell-tale signs when a hide may be elevated, and also talk about what to do when an elevated hide doesn’t go as planned.
You will leave this webinar with a deeper understanding of elevated hides and with effective and creative training exercises, and thus hopefully with “less fear of heights.”
Silke is a certified professional dog trainer (CPDT-KSA) and behavior consultant (CBCC-KA) and has been running HeRo Canine Consulting LLC, a successful dog training and behavior consulting business, since 2006. She currently lives in Suwanee, GA with her husband Axel and their new Pit Bull Snap.
In addition to instructing group classes and private sessions, Silke has hosted multiple NACSW™-sanctioned ORTs, trials, and workshops. Silke is a Supervising Certifying Official for trials and ORTs as well as an ORT Judge. She is a Trial Approval Coordinator and Trial Host Mentorship Admin.
Silke was introduced to K9 Nose Work® in 2010 and became one of first two CNWI™ in PA in 2011. She loves to work on all aspects of this great dog sport while making sure that both ends of the leash have fun in a safe environment! Silke has a soft spot for shelter dogs and introduced K9NW to several local shelters, two of which have now included it in their regular canine enrichment program.
All webinars purchased after the running of the live event will have links sent out weekly.
Please fill out the ticket form and click the 'Buy Ticket Now' button. You can continue shopping or View Your Cart to check out and pay for the webinar(s). You may pay by credit card or via Paypal. A PayPal account is not required.
Please register for the webinar through the instructor portal at: education.k9nosework.com/login